Thursday, June 21, 2007


Even though I'm having a great time living abroad, there is a great sense of comfort I get when I hear a familiar voice, like Scott Simon from Morning Edition. Yay for NPR internet radio stations! And podcasts! <3 When I have a steady income, I'll definitely give back to NPR.

Class is in session and I find myself buried under a mountain of Chinese characters. ICLP wasn't kidding when it said it's program was intense. All my waking hours are filled with either class or studying, mostly studying because I'm trying to keep up with my schedule. I'm not sure if my Mandarin is improving or if I'm just stuffing characters into my brain but incorrectly using them. We shall see how this thing turns out. I really like my instructors and classes. If I didn't have med school waiting for me in August, I would be tempted to stay the year.

I made a mea culpa this week. I went to pay the bill at a restaurant and the waitstaff's back was turned towards me. I saw the person had really short hair, so I addressed the person as "sir" in Chinese. The person turned around and I thought, "Oh no, I think she's a girl." Then she spoke and confirmed my fears, I accidentally called a girl "sir"! That's the problem with girls having really short hair over here, I can't tell sometimes whether they are male of female! From now on, I'm just going to say "excuse me" to save myself the embarrassment. Oh, the guy standing beside her was holding back laughter during the encounter, I could tell. >_<

Homework calls, to the books!

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