Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I've been obsessed with Wang Leehom that the other CDs I bought in Taiwan haven't had much play time until today. Mayday/五月天 is a popular band and rightfully so, it's one of the few pop/rock bands I don't mind supporting. (My S.H.E. CD will forever be the one I with which I have a love-hate relationship, I can't believe I caved and bought it >_<). Anyway, here is one of my favorite songs of the Mayday album. (Considering how badly I was crushed by my first test, the name of the group is could also serve as a succinct description of the current state of affairs.) 希望你們會喜歡。


其實妳 是個心狠又手辣 的小偷
我的心 我的呼吸和名字 都偷走

你才是 綁架我的兇手 機車後座的我
吹著風 逃離了平庸

這星球 天天有五十億人 在錯過
多幸運 有妳一起看星星 在爭寵
這一刻 不再問為什麼
不再去猜測人和人 心和心 有什麼不同

123 牽著手 456 抬起頭
789 我們私奔到月球
那無憂的真空 那月色純真的感動

當妳說 太聰明往往還是 會寂寞
我笑著 傾聽孤單終結後 的靜默
看月亮 像夜空的瞳孔
靜靜凝視你我 和我們擾攘的星球

靠近妳 怎麼突然兩個人 都詞窮
讓心跳 像是野火燎原般 的洶湧
這一刻 讓命運也沉默
讓腳尖劃過天和天 地和地 緣分的宇宙

1 comment:

i said...

hehe Goodness -- I just checked out your blog from looking at my LJ Friends List, and I realized that I can't understand any of the Chinese characters. Hrm... Time to start learning! :) If you've got any tips for me, dearest, please point me to good teaching sites!! :)